Nuturing the Spirit Part III: Feeding the Soul with Manipura Meditation
Nurturing the Spirit Part III: Feeding the Soul
with Manipura Meditation
Hello again gang! Raven here, and today I'm going to
talk a bit more about chakra alignment and meditation to open/heal/align these
chakras! Our third chakra, the Manipura
or Solar Plexus chakra, is located in the area between the navel and
breastbone. It is here that we align with the energies of self-esteem, personal
power, the power of transformation, and with this chakra properly aligned we
can truly connect with our inner warriors. This is the chakra we will be
working to unblock and/or align today.
If our solar
plexus chakras are imbalanced, we may suffer from low self-esteem, we may have
difficulty making decisions and could be prone to expressions of anger. We may either feel needy and lack direction,
or feel aggressive, overly rigid, and controlling. Physical manifestations of
this chakra being out of alignment or blocked include digestive issues, ulcers,
diabetes, eating disorders, and problems with the liver, colon, and pancreas.
Again, there
are varying ways to open and balance this chakra should you be experiencing a
blockage. The color associated with our solar plexus chakra is yellow or gold,
so when meditating on opening this chakra, surrounding oneself with
yellow/golden light or focusing on the color yellow will help to open you to
the energies of the manipura. If you are a yoga practitioner and/or wish to
physically manifest the unblocking of this chakra, poses one can get into
during Manipura meditation include Dhanurasana (bow pose), Kapalabhati
pranayama (breath of fire), Bhujangasana (cobra pose), and Parvritta
Trikonasana (revolved triangle pose), to name a few. Scents to diffuse include
Bergamot, Grapefruit, Rosemary, Patchouli, Clary Sage, Lemon, Roman Chamomile,
and Juniper.
Another meditation aid we've discussed are
gemstones/crystals. Stones sacred to this chakra include Tiger's Eye, Amber,
Citrine, Lemon Quartz, Yellow Jasper, and Yellow Tourmaline. Gold would be a
good metal to align this chakra as well. Place your crystal and/or the metal
close to the area of your body in which the chakra lies, and the stone/metal
will infuse your chakra with its vibrations and help to clear any blocks. Don't
forget to cleanse your stones and metal pieces after use to dispel any
fragmented energies it picks up during your alignment.
The meditation: As we did with our previous meditations, sit in a
cross legged position or lie on your back. You are also obviously welcome to
ease into any of the yoga poses that help to unblock this chakra. Begin with
deep breaths. In through the nose, out through the mouth. Sighing is OK and
natural as you relax into the meditation. If lying or sitting, tense each part
of your body, from your jaw to your toes, one at a time, and then relax. Feel
your whole body relax.
relaxed, begin the affirmations. For the solar plexus chakra, we will affirm:
I am confident.
I am powerful.
I am worthy.
I am positive.
I am authentic
I am focused
I am strong
I am centered
I am energized
I am energy
I release judgment of others.
I release judgment of myself.
I am free from the need to be in control of everything.
I am free from the need to always be right.
I have high self-esteem.
I manifest with ease and grace.
I am deserving.
I use my power for good.
I am motivated to get things done.
I am open to new ways of doing things.
I am in control of how I respond to situations, and the rest
I surrender.
I embody confidence and inner peace.
I act with courage
I act with enthusiasm and determination
I act courageously
I act with confidence
I act according to my highest good
I will be myself
I will achieve my goals successfully
I will achieve success
I will never give up
I have will power
I choose
I choose goodness and love
I persevere
My self esteem is healthy
My intellect is sharp
My core is energized with vitality and strenght
I have strength
I get things done
I live my life with integrity
I set boundaries with love
stand courageous and full of personal power.
For me, it is easiest to focus on one or two of
these at a time, and work on meditating on each of them over the course of a
week. But you might find that you wish to repeat the full mantra during
meditation and can absolutely do so. There is no wrong way. Again, if you find
you are having trouble focusing, be present and mindful and notice that your
thoughts have wandered. Accept that they wandered and instead of giving up, as
meditation is not often easy, guide your thoughts back to the chakra and the
affirmations. Aim to work up to five minutes to start, and see how these
seemingly small affirmations and concentrated meditation can manifest great
things in your life. As always, if you try this or want to share your own solar
plexus chakra meditation techniques, comment below - and Shine on!
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