Nuturing the Spirit Part IV: Feeding the Soul with Anahata Meditation

Nuturing the Spirit Part IV: Feeding the Soul with Anahata Meditation
       Hello brothers and sisters, happy last week of February <3 I won't lie, I'm glad that month is short, and while I respect and appreciate winter I am sincerely grateful that it is coming to an end here soon. Today I thought I'd continue on in our discussion on the chakras. Our next stop along the chakra train is Anahata also known as the Heart Chakra. This is the seat of the Divine Self, and it is located in the center of the chest near where your actual heart would be. It is here that we align with energies such as bliss, peace, harmony, love, understanding, empathy, clarity, purity, unity, compassion, kindness and forgiveness. This is the chakra that bridges the higher, more spiritual chakras with the lower, manifest chakra energies.
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       If our Anahata is blocked, we may be experiencing feelings of depression, lonliness, shyness, struggling to forgive or have empathy. If it is overactive we may be jealous, possessive, dependent, smothering/clingy. We may feel like we need other's acceptance or we may judge others harshly. Physically we may be experiencing heart palpitations, lowered immune system, high/low blood pressure, respiratory and breathing issues. 
       Now in some cases you may need a doctors attention when experiencing these same symptoms, but often if you practice working on aligning this chakra you will lessen these types of ailments. The color associated with the heart chakra is green, so it is helpful to visualize pleasing shades of green or even be out in a green forest or garden during meditation for this chakra energy. Consuming leafy greens such as spinach, lettuce, and other green veggies will also help keep the energy of this chakra in alignment and harmonized.  For those of you utilizing your yoga practice to balance and align your chakra energies, heart opening poses such as ustrasana (camel pose),  Bhujangasana (cobra pose), and Anjaneyasana (crescent pose) are helpful to open the chest and bring the heart to the sky. Scents to diffuse include rose, neroli, ylang ylang, cedarwood, lavender, bergamot, sweet orange, and sandalwood. 
<photo by @yogawithcamille>
       For my crystal workers out there, the energies that best help attune our heart energies include amazonite, turquoise, rose quartz, crysoprase, malachite, and pink tourmaline, to name a few.  Placing these crystals in the area of your body closest to the chakra and meditating on aligning this energy will help to unblock and release any stuck or stagnant energies that may be lingering and blocking the flow here. As always, don't forget to cleanse and re-charge your crystals after use. 

       The meditation: Sit or lie in a comfortable position. Begin with deep breaths. In through the nose, out through the mouth. Turn inward and quiet the mind. Sighing is OK and natural as you relax into the meditation. If lying or sitting, tense each part of your body, from your jaw to your toes, one at a time, and then relax. Feel your whole body relax.

            Once relaxed, begin the affirmations. For the heart chakra, we will affirm:

I am open to giving love.
I am open to receiving love.
I forgive instantly, completely. 
I choose joy
I am grateful for all of my blessings.
I am creating loving and supporting relationships.
It is safe for me to be in a loving relationship.
I love myself unconditionally.
I love others unconditionally.
My heart is balanced in giving and receiving love.
My heart chakra is empowered by love.
My heart is free from past hurts.
I have unconditional compassion for myself.
I have unconditional compassion for others.
Love is my guiding truth.
My open heart chakra is powerful.
I love my life
I love myself and all people
I love source/god/infinite being (etc)
I love and feel connected with the Earth
I love nature
I freely and easily give and receive love
I give compassion
I give acceptance
I give lovingly
I receive abundance
I receive love
I receive compassion
I receive acceptance 
All of my being is love
Love is my language
My heart is awakened
My heart is awakening
My love is abundant
My heart overflows with love
I breathe love and beauty
I love and accept who I am
My heart is open and lovingly aware
I have gratitude

I am open to love.

 For me, it is easiest to focus on one or two of these at a time, and work on meditating on each of them over the course of a week. But you might find that you wish to repeat the full mantra during meditation and can absolutely do so. There is no wrong way. If you find you are having trouble focusing, be present and mindful and notice that your thoughts have wandered. Accept that they wandered and instead of giving up, as meditation is a practice not something we just 'arrive' at, guide your thoughts back to the chakra energy and the affirmations. Aim to work up to five minutes to start, and see how these seemingly small affirmations and concentrated meditation can manifest great things in your life. As always, if you try this or want to share your own heart chakra meditation techniques, comment below - and Shine on!
