REVIEW: Beachbody's Hydrate (Performance Line)

REVIEW: Beachbody's Hydrate (Performance Line)

            Hey gang! Raven here, and today I'm going to provide my review on Beachbody's Performance Hydrate! I was recently lucky enough to acquire a bunch of Performance line samples from my awesome coach (coaches are FREE at Beachbody, and a great coach has been an invaluable tool for me during my fitness journey, ask me about her and our awesome community!).

            The first trial I decided to test was Hydrate, because I've been on Country Heat and just didn't think I needed any pre or post workout supplements while on a cardio dance program. Anywho, I digress. Hydrate is a Performance line product and is meant to replenish your electrolytes and hydrate you during workout. My initial response was that I assumed it would resemble Gatorade. I wasn't wrong!

            Initially I just combined the supplement with the recommended 8oz of water, and I didn't stir it. This was a mistake, and I discovered when I finished that there was still quite a bit of the supplement at the bottom of my glass. Oops. Anyway, it still turned a milky white color and appeared to be ready to drink when I did the mixture the merp way, so I drank it up no problem though mine was probably a hair watered down compared with normal.

            I drank it through a full Country Heat routine, and it DID resemble Gatorade in flavor. I probably would prefer mine cold vs room temperature which is how I consumed it. I did sweat a lot and was glad I had it available, though I'm not really sure on internally how much better it is for us than water as far as hydration goes. Obviously water does not replace electrolytes and exercise is hard on our bodies. I'm no scientist but I'd say Hydrate was a pretty great sport drink supplement by my standards. Just make sure you mix it together with a spoon (and maybe chill the water first!). Have *you* used Hydrate? What did you think?? Please comment below and share your stories. Shine on~
