Nurturing the Spirit Part II: Feeding the Soul with Svadhishthana Meditation

Nurturing the Spirit Part II: Feeding the Soul with Svadhishthana Meditation

Hello again gang! Raven here, and today I'm going to talk a bit more about chakra alignment and meditation to open/heal/align these chakras. The second chakra, the Svadhishthana or Sacral chakra, is located approximately three inches below the belly button, and two inches in. It is here that we align with feelings of abundance, pleasure, sexuality, well-being, and creativity. This is the chakra we will be working with today.

            An imbalanced sacral chakra can lead to dependency, co-dependency with other people and/or substances; being ruled by your emotions or feeling so out of touch with your emotions you cannot identify them; overindulgence in or complete lack of interest in sexual fantasies; and more. Physical issues that indicate a block include constipation, back pain, urinary and kidney infections, gynecological cysts, abnormal menstruation, infertility, and impotence. A blockage generally will manifest emotionally as well in the form of depression, low self-esteem, insecurity, detachment, jealousy, and fear.

            As with all the chakras, there are various ways to open and balance this chakra should you be experiencing a blockage. The color most associated with this chakra is orange, so when meditating on opening this chakra orange is a good color to focus on. If you are a yoga practitioner and/or wish to physically manifest the unblocking of this chakra, poses one can get into during Svadhishthana meditation include Utkata, Konasana (Goddess Pose), Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II), and Paschimottanasana (seated forward bend), to list a few. Scents to diffuse would include Ylang Ylang and Sandalwood.

            Another meditation aid we've discussed are gemstones/crystals. Stones sacred to this chakra include orange carnelian, citrine, or amber. Place your crystal close to the area of your body in which the chakra lies, and the stone will infuse your chakra with its vibrations and help to clear any blocks.  I love utilizing crystals in this way, and if you wish to cleanse or charge your crystals, there are several ways to do so and I'll make another blog post about this at a later time.

            The meditation: As we did with our Muladhara meditation, sit in a cross legged position or lie on your back. You are also obviously welcome to ease into any of the yoga poses that help to unblock this chakra. Begin with deep breaths. In through the nose, out through the mouth. Sighing is OK and natural as you relax into the meditation. If lying or sitting, tense each part of your body, from your jaw to your toes, one at a time, and then relax. Feel your whole body relax.

            Once relaxed, begin the affirmations. For the sacral chakra, we will affirm:

I trust in my own perfection.

I trust the process.

I love myself.

My feelings are healthy and healing.

I allow myself to feel without fear.

I embrace the balanced flow of sensual and creative energy within me.

I acknowledge my uniqueness.

I am a unique manifestation of divine energy in physical form.

I acknowledge the physicality and sensuality of my body.

I am a sensual and creative being.

I attract only whole and nurturing relationships into my Life.

            For me, it is easiest to focus on one or two of these at a time, and work on meditating on each of them over the course of a week. But you might find that you wish to repeat the full mantra during meditation and can absolutely do so. There is no wrong way. Again, if you find you are having trouble focusing, be present and mindful and notice that your thoughts have wandered. Accept that they wandered and instead of giving up, as meditation is not often easy, guide your thoughts back to the chakra and the affirmations. Aim to work up to five minutes to start, and see how these seemingly small affirmations and concentrated meditation can manifest great things in your life. As always, if you try this or want to share your own sacral chakra meditation techniques, comment below - and Shine on!


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