The Full Flower Moon, May 2020

The Full Flower Moon

            This year, the full Flower Moon falls on  May 7. Why is it referred to as the flower moon? According to the farmer's almanac, it's named simply after the abundance of flowers that spring  forth this month. Falling within  a week of Beltane, the energies of this full moon will be potent and full of potential for manifestation!  This is the first positive moon phase we will have had in six straight weeks, so the energies are there to work with and reach for to make your dreams reality. You may find yourself more intuitive and even psychic during this phase, or you may have prophetic dreams.

            This full moon is in the astrological sign of Scorpio, meaning the energy will be especially aligned with things like healing, health, wellness, compassion (for both self and others), spirituality, and harmony. Because Scorpio doesn't shy away from topics of life and death, we may all come to terms with our own mortality (if we have not yet already) and see one another with  more value because, as they say, life is short and therefore precious.

              Scorpio is one of the most accepting of the signs regarding mortality and this acceptance could lead to peace of mind for many who may be struggling with anxiety or depression right now. We may find that the world in general is a little more gentle and  kind under the influence of this Scorpio moon. The highest manifestation  of the Scorpio is a Phoenix reborn - turn to the phoenix for  guidance and comfort during this lunar phase. You may experience death and rebirth, like the phoenix, of things like identity, ways of being/moving through life, thought processes.

            To work with this full moon's energies, create. Create with whatever tools in which you feel comfortable - whether that is journaling, painting, dance, music, photography - whatever makes you feel fulfilled and permits you freedom regarding emotional expression. Create under this moon with intention - whatever magical energies you are hoping to attract and surround yourself with - pour that into your creation. It  is also a great time for any healing spells you may wish to cast. Because it is the month of may and the number 5 is associated with Earth and the pentacle, this is the full moon of money magic as well, and will be a great time to cast with a mind of prosperity and abundance.


         I will leave you with an ancient Wiccan grace that I feel is appropriate for this full moon's energy. I hope it helps you feel comforted and lightens your emotional load, giving some of the sadness, hate, grief, and confusion from the last six weeks over to Source. Blessed be.

"Answer us, O Ancient Horned One,
Provider and power are Thine.
Hear and answer, Gracious Goddess,
Grant us laughter, wit and wine,
Descend on us, O Thou of blessings,
Come among us, make us glad.
Since Thou art Chief of our creation,
Why, O Why should we be sad?
Beam on us, O joyus Bacchus,
Banish heavy-hearted hate.
Accept our Craft, O Greatest Mother,
Let cheerful brightness be our fate.
So mote it be!"
(from Lady Sheba's Book of Shadows, 2002 edition)
